Hello, new business owner!
You're in the right place!
So, you have a business idea...
...or you have decided to take the leap to go it on your own and leave employment..
You want to earn more money; you want more flexibility, or you want more time with your family.
Whatever is your WHY? Starting your own business can be daunting.
Over 660,000 new companies are registered in the UK every year. 20% of these companies close their doors within 12 months, a further 80% cease to trade within 5 years.
Although these statistics make scary reading for anyone considering setting up their own business, it shouldn't deter your entrepreneurial spirit, as it doesn’t have to be this way. These statistics just highlight the need to get it right from the start and build a solid foundation, so that you can continue the road to success.
Our friendly team with over 30 years of combined experience of working with businesses are on hand to help you build these foundations.
A few of our services
All the accountancy and tax services as expected from your accountant, but with a range of additional extras.
Which include...
Register You
We will register you with Companies house and HMRC. As you will be a director, you will also need to be registered for self-assessment with HMRC – don’t worry we will also do this for you.
Available Grants
We can explore any grants that are available and look at start-up funding if required.
Business Plan
We will review your business plan or, if you haven’t got one, we can help you with the preparation of one.
Budgets and Forecasts
We can prepare or assist in the preparation of budgets and forecasts.
Funding Options
We will look at your working capital requirement and, through our range of partners, have access to a suite of funding options to allow us to help you select the best option for you.
Banking Facilities
We will help you choose and assist you on setting up the right banking facilities for you.
Cloud Accounting
We can help you select the correct cloud accounting software and ensure that this is implemented correctly. This is vital, as it enables you/us or both to have access to Real Time “snap shots” of your business performance, which can be compared against the business plan/forecasts and budgets to identify any issues early on. We'll then work with you to find solutions.
Accounting Team
One of our team will be on hand to answer any questions you have, offer advice or just be a sounding board. Being a start-up can sometimes can be hard if you’re the only one making decisions.