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Research & Development

Research & Development

“There is money hiding in the work you do!” You would be surprised what qualifies for R&D tax relief – its not just about people in white lab coats. R&D tax relief is the governments way of rewarding companies that are developing new, or improving existing products, services, devices and materials or advancing the state of knowledge in their sector. The tax legislation surrounding the tax relief is complicated, but our team are experts and will do all the hard work for you. We’ll look at every aspect of your business and identify all qualifying activity.
The patent box tax relief is the governments way of rewarding companies that are driving innovation. The aim is to encourage the development of new potential inventions in the UK, If your company is making profit on your patented inventions, you will be eligible for a lower effective tax rate of 10% on the relevant profits. This will save your company money and allow you to invest in the future innovations. The patent box legislation is complicated and the process for submitting the claim can be confusing. This is where Redstone in conjunction with CATAX can help. We will thoroughly assess your position and if we can’t see an opportunity for a claim, you will not pay a penny.

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