Bespoke Services
Bespoke Services Introduction
We're not your standard accountant. We don't want to just process your end of year accounts. We want to become a part of your organisation to make your accounting work for you. Because of this, we're able to offer a range of bespoke services that branch off from our standard work, but walk hand-in-hand with the rewards that we want to achieve through our work.
Our team are a group of experienced, professional accountants and are able to work with you on all of the below bespoke accountancy services. We operate throughout all of the North West, UK. Speak to our team about coming for a 1 hour free accountancy consultation to see how we can help you.
Research and Development
Tax Credits
“There is money hiding in the work you do!”
You would be surprised what qualifies for R&D tax relief – it's not just about people in white lab coats.
R&D tax relief is the governments way of rewarding companies that are developing new, or improving existing products, services, devices and materials or advancing the state of knowledge in their sector.
The tax legislation surrounding the tax relief is complicated, but our team are experts and will do all the hard work for you.
We’ll look at every aspect of your business and identify all qualifying activity.
We will thoroughly assess your position and if we can’t see an opportunity for a claim, you will not pay a penny.
Property Taxation
SDLT Refunds
Market research indicates a worrying proportion of property transactions in the UK may be subject to an incorrect assessment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). Vast sums of money are being lost by individuals and businesses to HMRC in this way.
The good news is, there is a solution. Redstone Accountancy Services Limited via its partnership with Cornerstone Chartered Tax Advisors (The leading experts in Stamp Duty Land Tax in the UK, which is headed up by David Hannah, an acknowledged expert in SDLT, often quoted in the financial press), can help you to determine whether you are due a substantial refund from HMRC and help make sure you get it.
How could you have overpaid SDLT?
SDLT is a complex, and ever-shifting tax, subject to more alterations since inception in 2003 than any other comparable duty. The legislation governing it is full of exceptions and exemptions designed to recognise the vast variety of property types in the UK.
Even experienced conveyancers and accountants may be caught out by these – in the last year alone, a staggering number of cases have been reported of clients being misadvised as to their liability to the 3% ‘Surcharge’ for secondary properties. Only a dedicated tax adviser can be relied upon to ensure the right assessment is made every time.
What if my claim is unsuccessful?
We operate on a no-win, no-fee basis. Their initial assessment is free, and will quickly identify whether there is a claim to be made. If there is, it is then a simple case of us writing to HMRC on your behalf to make that claim. In the highly unlikely event they make a claim which is refused, they will charge you no fee. Their fee is only payable once you have your money, and not before.
How far back can you go?
Four years after completion is the maximum timescale in which a claim can be made.
Advisory service
Property Taxation is a big money earner for the government.
The question is, how do you ensure that the government doesn’t take a bigger bite from your finances than is necessary? SDLT itself is complex, with many different liabilities, exemptions and allowances adding together to make a nightmare for the uninitiated. Solicitors – as a general rule – will simply look to see whether the property falls under residential or commercial SDLT banding, and make a judgement as to whether the 3% surcharge on second residential properties may apply.
This misses a whole wealth of factors, such as Multiple Dwellings Relief, Mixed Use Relief and others. Missing these elements may cost a purchaser thousands of pounds in needless additional SDLT.
Then for portfolio and commercial owners, there are other taxes to consider – Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and more – all money spinners for HMRC, largely due to inefficient practices by every type of owner, from student landlords through to multi-national corporations.
We take a holistic approach, looking at not just the property being purchased but who is buying it, why, and how. Only by taking account of all these and many other specific factors can the appropriate measures be taken to ensure that HMRC doesn’t get more than its due.
Rate Certification
Giving buyers the peace of mind that the SDLT they pay is the correct amount due.
MDR claims
Enabling purchasers of larger properties to ensure they achieve their due reliefs.
Structured planning
Helping ensure buyers acquire property in the most tax efficient way. We deal with large and small clients with varying appetites for risk.
Incorporation of Portfolios
Helping owners of property portfolios to maximise the efficiency of their arrangements and minimise their losses from taxation.
Marketing & Growth
Organisations should be investing 10% of net profit back into their marketing. We have a specific team in place to help you grow
Members Voluntary Liquidation
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